Event Coverage

Event Coverage: Cars And Coffee Toronto 2019 Season Opener

I feel like I you all a bit of an apology. The site has been incredibly quiet lately with no real sort of explanation. I’d love to say that I was working feverishly on new content for the site, plugging away on Project Why Wait, or doing some freelance work but alas it was none of the above.

Right before Motorama I completely ruptured my left Achilles Tendon. I’ve tried to convince myself this isn’t a serious injury in reality it is. I carried on as best I could for a bit, with the help of a mobility scooter, but my desire to do much of anything was at an all time low.

Not being able to put weight on your foot, get around without crutches, or sit without it swelling up will do that. When I was given the go to walk in the cast I focus nearly all my free time towards physiotherapy so I could get back into a shoe.

I’m happy to say that I’m now out of the boot. However it’s not all sunshine and roses. I’m pretty damn slow which makes getting from place to place quite trying.

I’m not sure how many of you have re-learned how to walk but it’s not easy. Both mentally and physically it’s perhaps one the toughest challenges I’ve been dealt.

I say all of this only because the 2019 Toronto Cars and Coffee season opener was absolutely massive and I was only able to cover a very small part of it.

I had actually considered sitting the event out, but what sort of Ontario media guy would I be if I did that?

Engineered Automotive has been growing this event, quite successfully I might add, year after year and the deserve their props for that. This event had to be the largest yet, with the turnout being absolutely staggering.

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We are truly honored to be able to host Cars n’ Coffee with such an amazing car community! We estimated over 1200 cars, trucks, and bikes for our Season opener! What an incredible turnout! Thank you to everyone who came out! Thank you to @momsbistroto for the coffee, strudels and breakfast sandwiches! Thanks @onlinedetailingstore for bringing some of your great detailing products. Thank you @scarfonephoto for what I’m sure will be some amazing photos. Thank you @lovejoy.productions for the hours of chasing cars and what I know will be an incredible video. Thank you @automotivewoman for coming out and featuring us on your YouTube channel! More big things to come! Thank you @djdavelive for keeping us grooving all morning! And thank you to @zhenya_dokanin for the drone shots! #eacarsncoffee

A post shared by Cars n'Coffee (@eacarsncoffee) on May 5, 2019 at 4:52pm PDT

What that drone photo above doesn’t show is just how many of the surrounding lots were also packed to the gills with cars, trucks, and motorcycles.

Spring 2019 has had a few stops and starts and a lot of rain so the fact that Sunday was beautiful certainlt didn’t hurt. People were eager let their summer toys, or winter projects stretch their legs.

Gil of the Scraped Crusaders was one of those people. He picked up an e46 Touring sometime over the winter and wasted no time jamming it on BBS wheels, which seems to kind of be his thing to do.

Brett Lyver, previous owner of one of my absolute favourite Lexus LS400s recently finished putting together this 325 e30 cabriolet.

Fit with some MTECH II style lower valances, ARE wheels and a healthy drop this car looks fantastic.

It’s a pretty simple in all honesty but that is what makes it so timeless. The fact he pulled up with his two kids riding along with him didn’t hurt the car’s case either.

Brett didn’t have the only e30 at the meet, there were several, but the only other one I managed to catch was this 325is.

Yes, I said 325is. I know it looks like an e30 M3 but it’s not, however it’s done pretty damn well for a clone. From memory a turbo M50 sits under hood as well, which is more reliable and makes more power than the temperamental s14 anyway.

Speaking of done well, Jag’s now Hemi powered bagged Jeep is the automotive representation of that. He’s already netted two best of show awards this year with spring hardly sprung.

I do believe this was the first event he drove the car too and from after the swap.

Inside, Infract Customs was posted up with both his small block powered mini and turbo GSXR1000 powered Volkswagen Beetle.

You want chaos with steering wheel? Then this is sure to be the ticket.

Also inside the EA facility was this twin turbo, big block, first generation Camaro. I’m sure this car is also a bit of a handful to drive.

A car that was really nice to see complete was this long-term Cyrious Garageworks Datsun build.

The last time I saw the car, during a shop visit for Speedhunters, it was well on its way to completion but not quite done yet. Looks like it’s all finished now.

Fans of detail would love this car, literally no bolt left un-turned bring the car to this standard.

However, of all the builds at my favorite was (surprise surprise) a truck. Cars and Coffee is one of those events where you’ve really got to keep an eye on the stock looking vehicles with their hoods up.

The inter-cooler gives the motor swap on this one away a little but, but that really can’t be helped.

Looking under the hood it’s clear there was very little room for the 1JZ in the stock first gen Tacoma engine bay.

I was hoping to get to talk to the owner about the build but I wasn’t able to track him down on the few occasions I revisited the little green truck. Here’s hoping this isn’t the last time I see it.

Words wise, that’s pretty much all I’ve got for this first event, but there’s a few more photos of this and that below.

Hopefully by the next event I’ll be in a bit better shape to do some more holistic coverage. That, or I’ll get my knee scooter back out and use that to get around.

Though that thing is pretty sketchy outside…

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